Before I get all gloom and doom about winter – I’ll highlight the summer fun from the weekend. Side note: I wonder if a profession in marketing has dulled my writing skills—paragraphs whittled down to bulleted lists and highlights.
OSU Buckeye Game – fun but HOT. Smooshed in between big sweaty guys, the heat beat down and stole all the moisture from my body. The bucks won in a landslide while I had to take frequent water breaks.
Fiance’s nephew’s (soon to be my nephew) third birthday party in the park – good thing we didn’t tailgate at the OSU game earlier in the day. Don’t want to be THAT aunt and show up drunk at the kid’s b-day party. It was a pretty afternoon and a nice park.
Rinehart Family Fun Day – Every year Fiance’s family goes to a hunting and fishing club to spend the day outside. It’s great outdoor adventure with camping, fishing, swimming and eating. Sammy got to come and earned her new name – Fishdog. She is still limping from playing too hard. Pictures below of a truly happy and DIRTY fishdog.
While camping at Rinehart Family Fun Day, fiancé cracked me up by getting drunk and scared sleeping in the tent. He made me sleep with a tomahawk beside me. Once he came to bed, he kept whispering “wait........ shhhhh, do you hear that” all night long. It was funny until the alarm at the nearby prison went off at four in the morning. I look over and Fiance is clutching the tomahawk at his chest with his big round eyes wide open. Ok, at that point I got a little scared too.
It made for good laughs the next day. Especially because Fiance is NOT the type to be scared - he kept coming to check on me in the tent to make sure I was still sleeping safe and sound - uncomfortable and passed out was more like it.
AHHHH SUMMER. The only way I can let you go is to submit myself to the craziness that is FOOTBALL SEASON.
Look for these fun and exciting future posts:
Franklin and spray bottle insanity
new momentary love affairs
fantasy football
and much more
(yep, marketing has corrupt my writing skills)
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