Friday, July 19, 2013

Bubble Guppies

So it has been a year and a half of figuring out a morning routine that allows me to get showered and dressed for work, while Caroline is kept busy.

She is a morning girl, usually waking me up around 6 or 6:30. My pre-motherhood self wouldn't have believed I'd EVER happily get up that early every day. But when I walk into her room and those arms shoot up and she squeals "MOMMA," how could I not be eager to jump out of bed.

Once she's up, had some milk and a fresh diaper, I usually find an on-demand TV show for her to watch. (I know, Mom OF THE YEAR). Right now her favorite show of all times is Bubble Guppies. BTW, thank you Nick Jr. for always having these shows available on demand!

Well this has been our routine long enough that Caroline will bring me the remote and patiently watch the TV as I navigate through the On-Demand menu.

And this is my absolute favorite part. Once we get through the intro commercials and the animation for the show begins, she turns, locks eyes with me and beams the biggest smile I have ever seen.

It's as if I am a wondrous magician who can read her mind and POOF made those guppies appear on screen. She'll hold that smile for a whole three seconds of gratitude before she starts dancing around singing "bub, bub, bubble" and flailing her arms.

Today, I had to remind myself to get my camera out to capture that moment, because it will be gone before I know it. Before I know it, she'll be rolling her eyes at me and challenging everything. But right now, I'm AMAZING . So, yeah, I needed to capture that.

The picture pretty much captures the scene appropriately, blurry from that early morning, pre-coffee haze, TV overexposed in the background and not yet dressed for the day BUT smiling so big that her eyes are squinty. LOVE!


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